Make Much-Needed Improvements to Your Home

Choose us for your kitchen renovation in Spotsylvania, VA or the surrounding area

Are you feeling cramped in your home? Many growing families face this issue and are torn between moving out or building on. Thankfully, you don't need to give up your beloved home to get more space. The home addition contractors at Draft H Construction can help you expand your living space in Spotsylvania, VA or the surrounding area.

By drawing on over 10 years of experience and a keen eye for design, we'll take care of your new bedroom construction. We also take on kitchen renovations. Learn more by calling us at 540-395-1995.

Give your old home a new look

Do you want a modern kitchen where you can cook up a storm and host visiting guests? Draft H Construction will take on your kitchen renovation project in Spotsylvania, VA or the surrounding area. Our licensed residential builder and Class B contractor leads our experienced team in creating incredible spaces. From new flooring to new cabinets, our team can install them all.

Start creating a new look for your space. Reach out to us today for kitchen renovation services.